Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

I numbed into it,

Outwardly numb if precise.

Loud screams interned.

No, no, no,

No over and over,

Eventually not, as ignored.

Already lost,

My gift to give,

Not surrendered.

Seven, 24/7's later,

There's waiting,

For sameness.


Calm alabaster

And red velvet.

I burdened just one.

Shared knowledge,

Bond or noose, new friend?


'I'm currently living in Thailand teaching English as a foreign language to Primary School Children and in my spare time I'm writing.  My blog can be found at  I have recently graduated at Keele University where I studied for my MA in Creative Writing.  The picture I will forward to you was taken recently by one of my students towards the end of a lesson.  You can see they have lots of energy left and I'm worn out.  There are over forty pupils in most of my classes and they don't speak any English.'Â