Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

Oh man with the soft gentle eyes,

Where are you?

I’m yearning to gaze into your silver soul.

Oh man with the long silky hair,

Where are you?

I’m yearning to feel its touch through my fingers.

Oh man with the muscular arms,

Where are you?

I’m yearning for you to wrap them around me and hold me tight.

Oh man with the soft lips,

Where are you?

I’m yearning to melt in your passionate kiss.

Oh man with the deep beautiful voice,

Where are you?

I’m yearning to hear your sweet, comforting words.

Oh man with the heart of gold,

Where are you?

I’m yearning to hear its repetitive beat.

'I am an unemployed high school student from Florida. My interest in writing began in middle school when I listened to music which got me into poetry and I also told crazy stories to my friends and English was my best subject.'