Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Amazon revealed that since its release in March, EL James’s Fifty Shades trilogy has overtaken the sales of JK Rowling’s Harry Potter seven book series.

According to Amazon’s statistics, EL James has sold four million copies, on both kindle and paperback which now makes her the top selling author on the site on record.

For every one that is being sold of the final book in the harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, two are begin sold of Fifty Shades.

In 14 years of Amazon, an author has not risen so quickly to the top, making her the bestselling novelist in the history of the site.  

So what does this mean for us as readers? Do we prefer sex to a little magical realism? Or is it just that Harry Potter has had its reign and that tis time to let soething else have its day? Harry Potter is one of the most loved books of the last decade so maybe we are entering a new phase of the 'mummy porn' decade. Is Harry Potter now too tame for our newly opened minds? Can we appreciate both, given how vastly different they are from one another? Or do we really just prefer sex to Slytherin?!

Female First Lucy Walton

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