Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

Because the curve of a woman

is made of glossy paper

and white teeth

(Upon reflection)

I crumpled my fleshy outline into:

trash cans, bin bags, grief.


A Winter’s Tale

When over the icy row

I see you running, heavy

huffing from running under

the blue moons glow,

you see me:

It smacks me into a wow

and your mouth curls ‘O’


Crisp under foot,

the rest is smoke signals




Bio: Originally from a big borough in the North of London, I now dwell in a small town near Tulsa, Oklahoma, completing my masters in Rhetoric. I got bit by the writing pen at the age of 4, when my hamster tragically died during hibernation.  After losing it for a while, the pen chased me down to Keele University, and we’ve been frenemies every since.