The Twitter Diaries

The Twitter Diaries

The Guardian set up a challenge last Saturday: to write a story on Twitter in only 140 characters. Authors Ian Rankin and Helen Fielding joined in on the action as well as the readers. Twenty one authors were asked to contribute, something very unique and fitting with the new digital age. The Guardian had tried out this concept previously and it highlighted just how difficult it is to tweet a story. The feedback on their Twitter was that Ian Rankin’s was he best of the bunch;

‘I opened the door to our flat and you were standing there, cleaver raised. Somehow you'd found out about the photos. My jaw hit the floor’ Ian Rankin

Helen Fielding also received a lot of praise from the readers:

‘OK. Should not have logged on to your email but suggest if going on don't use our children's names as password.’ Helen Fielding

The Guardian confessed that it was not a competition however it was an experience to see what did well.

Hemingway's famous short story was of course mentioned: Baby Shoes. For sale. Never Worn.

And dinosaurio quoted this by Augusto Monterroso:

Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavía estaba ahí.

In English: ‘When he (/she/it) woke up, the dinosaur was still there.’

On Monday The Guardian revealed some of the ones sent in from readers, which can be seen on their website. If these are to your liking you can go and see them all on #140novel on Twitter. If you fancy yourself as a bit of a flash fiction tweeter then you can still submit on the above.

Female First Lucy Walton


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