The Same Sky is the First Novel that Broke my Heart

There were times when I thought I had to put the novel aside. I could hear the voice of Carla, a young girl who risks everything to try to find her mother, so clearly that it hurt. During difficult times in her journey, I cried as I typed the pages. I could barely sleep until I had brought her to safety.

I Love Barbecue

When Carla's story was hard to write, I worked on the sections of the book about Alice, who owns a barbecue restaurant. Researching barbecue (and eating lots of it--all in the name of authenticity, of course) was a great way to take a break from the more heartbreaking passages of the book. My husband makes incredible barbecue--a magazine even wrote up his recipes here:

I Write in Pajamas

The best thing about my job is that I can work in my pajamas. I just got a new, black-and-white striped pair I adore.

My Most Important Tool is Index Cards

When I'm dreaming up a new novel, I write scene ideas on index cards. Then I lay them on the floor in a big row to see what the book is about.

Sometimes I Don't Understand Where My Books Are Going

I have learned to trust the characters, even when I have no idea what they're up to. Sometimes, I'll put a character on a plane bound for Paris...but it lands in Morocco. I have to toss all the index cards set in Paris and try to figure out what's going to happen in Morocco.

I Read A Book A Week

When I'm not writing, I'm reading. I have three children, and my favorite activity in the world is to lounge and read on the couch in our living room, as the children whirl around me. A very close second is reading more deeply, once they're all tucked in.

I Didn't Leave the USA until I was 20

I grew up in New York, and my first trip abroad was from JFK Airport to Nairobi, where I spent a university semester. Travel was like a drug to me...landing in a new place is the most incredible feeling. I still travel every chance I'm able--from Hong Kong to London to new parts of my own city, Austin, TX...I'll go anywhere!

My Husband is the First Kind Person I Ever Dated

To keep myself out of trouble with ex-boyfriends, I'll say no more!

My Favorite Book Is the One I'm Writing

No matter how proud I am on books I've finished, it's impossible to beat the excitement of an unfinished novel. As Ann Patchett said, the book in your imagination is like a perfect butterfly.

The Same Sky

The Same Sky