Up until recently, I was a serving police detective.

After nine years of working in the police, I gave up my job to become a full time author. My job has given me a rich tapestry of memories to work from, and I've certainly met lots of interesting characters over the years.

Caroline Mitchell

Caroline Mitchell

My family and I were victims of paranormal attack.

Writing a book of my true life encounters with the unknown is what actually got me into writing in the first place. Had my husband not nagged me into telling our story, I don't think I would have got into writing in the first place.

I had an exorcism performed in my home.

It had to be approved by the Vatican in Rome. Sounds crazy, right? It took us over a year to gain approval, as although blessings are often conducted, exorcisms are very rare and only used in the most serious of cases. Over thirty people, many of them police officers, witnessed paranormal occurrences in our home. Looking back now, it feels like we were on the set of a horror movie.

I'm a believer in the law of attraction.

After our experiences, I found comfort in positive thinking. My friend gave me a copy of the movie 'The Secret' and I haven't looked back since. I managed to turn what was a pretty horrifying experience into something positive. I also left a job I was unhappy with to work full time as an author, and I've attracted some fantastic people into my life. I also love Buddhism and meditation, when I get the opportunity.

When I was little I wanted to be a vet

I was always bringing home strays. I grew up with a deep love for horses, and used to go joy riding on the neighbour's donkey when nobody was looking! Hey, I grew up in Ireland, it's what we did for fun back then. Thankfully Neddy was quite happy to be bribed into a leisurely stroll in return for a few carrots.

Character is everything

I spend more time developing the characters than the plot in my books. They have to be living breathing people in my mind, before I can move on with the story. I recently finished writing a psychological thriller. The antagonist, named Solomon, was such a dark character, I found it very hard to get him out of my head when I finished. My thrillers revolve around ordinary every day people, and I usually elicit sympathy for my protagonists before I turn them into monsters.

I have a soft spot

OK I admit it, I have a soft spot! All my books feature a little sex or romance, although it doesn't always end well. It's part of every day life. I enjoy writing about relationships, although that's as far as it goes. I won't be producing anything pink and fluffy anytime soon!

I have an even softer spot

Do I have to admit this? It's going to ruin my street cred! I'm not one for jewellery or expensive designer clothes. But I love gadgets, and adore teddies. My husband bought me a Charlie Bear for Christmas and he sits with me in my writing room. My next purchase is going to be an Alpaca bear. They're so soft and cuddly and ... *Ahem. There. I've said it. We must never speak of this again.

I hate mustard.

I mean hate it. I can't have it on the kitchen table. The smell makes me retch. I think I have a weird phobia that has not been invented yet. Mustard is my kryptonite. Keep that stuff away from me!

I get frightened by my own books

I'm a night owl, and often work into the wee hours. I like to write to music, usually a Hans Zimmer playlist, like Batman or Inception. One night I was in bed, writing on my Macbook as my husband snored softly beside me. The lights were off, my headphones on. I got to a particularly creepy scene in my book Time to Die, featuring serial killer the raven. The music went quiet, the raven loomed near. Then bang! The music thundered in my ears in a crescendo. I literally jumped out of my skin. Woke up hubby, almost sent my Macbook crashing to the floor. (Thankfully a one handed grab saved the day.) Nowadays I work in my writing room, with my Macbook safely placed on a table.