Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love had a beauty secret that gave her a golden glow. It was the light of self-love that attracted people like moths to a flame. We amplify our inner wattage with self-honoring choices that increase our life force. So try these 5 practical suggestions to give your energy levels a boost so you shine like a diamond!



Chi Breaks

Swap your chai for chi - the Chinese word for breath! Breathing deeply is the fastest way to increase your energy levels and de-stress. Most people ‘shallow breathe’, which leaves them running on empty. Why? When we breathe deeply, we feel our emotions but unexpressed feelings build up until they overwhelm us. So instead of seeking a boost from caffeine, nicotine or chocolate take chi breaks every 90 mins throughout your day to feel and re-energize with diaphragmatic breathing. To do this, fill your belly, then your lungs as you inhale, then release air from your lungs, then your belly as you exhale. Let out a sigh on the exhale to release pent up stress.

Yoni Massage

In the ancient world, women were revered as sacred vessels of the Goddess and our sexual energy was considered a sacred gift. Full Moon is the time of the month when this energy is at an all time high. Why? It’s when the moon reflects the most sunlight, creating magnetism between opposites. So regenerate your sacred sexual essence at full moon by ‘polishing the pearl’ (a euphemism for the clitoris in the ancient Orient). This will fill your cup with sensual pleasure and grant you deep communion with your Soul. For a natural lubricant try melting coconut oil on your fingertips and caress your most intimate opening with reverence.

Shake it Out

Before Taylor Swift was encouraging us to shake it out, yogis were extolling the virtues of shaking in ashrams on the understanding that this releases pent up tension from the nervous system and energy blocks that otherwise would result in physical ailments. So try shaking or free form dancing in your lounge room to relieve frustration, stress & PMT...instead of reaching for a glass of wine. 

Golden Sleep

Aim to be in bed by 10pm to ensure quality sleep. This avoids the ‘second wind’ that results in insomnia. Early nights balance our hormonal health so we experience less mood swings and they help us process more in our dream state so we wake up feeing refreshed and alert. To regulate your sleep / wake hormone do regular yoga.

Express Every Facet of Yourself

Did you know there are 7 universal aspects to every woman? These are the 7 feminine aspects that govern our main energy centers (chakras). When we understand and empower the expression of each inner Goddess we activate the meridian of sacred feminine energy along our spinal cord. Benefits include increased vitality, longevity, creativity, libido and empowerment!

To find out more, check out Tanishka’s latest book, ‘Goddess Wisdom’ out June 6 with Hay House in conjunction with her ‘Goddess Wisdom’ online course www.themoonwoman.com