Gone Girl

Gone Girl

I have not sat down with a good thriller in a while so I was very much hoping for ‘Gone Girl’ to be a page-turner, and I was not disappointed. Gone Girl is a dark, intense journey into the psyche of two troubled and flawed characters.  Once I started reading I couldn’t put it down and finished it in a weekend. 
It is a truly captivating read. At times it is chilling and disturbing the complexity and depth that has gone into the characters, especially Amy.  The poisonous nature of their characters and the total toxic demise of their marriage is both saddening yet fascinating as we watch the downward spiral of their relationship. However I was unprepared for the twists and turns of this book. I would make up my mind which character I found empathy with only to have this thrown into disarray as the book took another unexpected turn. 
I was caught up in the story wholly and fully and look forward to reading another Flynn book.
by Rebecca Flower

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