Greetings readers. For this post I wanted to talk about how my reality is so different from the masses.

On the Run

On the Run

First off, what do I mean? Well let's think about this. You, the reader, may like characters and situations you can relate to right? Often you'll want things to be as close to real-life as possible in the books you read so you can connect. I agree. I also want my book to be something I can understand and relate to. However, my reality may be a lot different than others and to me that's perfectly fine.

So, when I hear something like, "oh, women don't act that way when they're 40" or "that's just not realistic." I have to ask, why? Is it because it's something you yourself haven't seen or done?

Let's face it, people are different. Whether it's the way they act, talk, look, or dress -­­ no two people have the exact same personality. Not even identical twins. And why would we want to be the same? That would be boring right?

So, when it comes to reality, why is it people feel something isn't real because they themselves haven't seen or done it? To me, it's sort of like a generalization, almost a stereotype when people make assumptions about others, and this includes characters. The characters I create in my books, are generally based on someone I know or myself. In my world, there are women in their forties too afraid to talk to a man or who squeal over a celebrity. Believe me, there is, and I'm one of them!


It's also true of some women I know, so when I create a character who is too afraid to talk to a man and is overly excitable when it comes to her favorite musician, that's real to me.

What about my latest book? When I wrote On the Run, I created a character I would be interested in knowing. Devlin Crawford is suave, charming, and intelligent. He comes from money, he likes nice things, and he just happens to be black. As an author, I can create my characters and leave stereotyping behind, making an individual that's unique. To me, the more interesting and different the character is, the better the book will be.

So, in closing, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but to make the comments of "no that doesn't happen, it isn't real", or "no, they're supposed to act a certain way" creates stereotypes. Just because one person says it isn't real, doesn't mean it can't happen. No, I don't think unicorns are real nor are there pots of gold at the end of every rainbow, but my reality is drastically different from others. And actually that's more than okay.

Bio for Michael Mandrake:

Michael Mandrake pens complex characters who are already comfortable in their sexuality. Thorough these characters, he builds worlds not centered on erotica but rather the mainstream plots we might encounter in everyday life through personal experiences or the media.

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