Dear Jon,

This Modern Love

This Modern Love

I know we have been married for almost 5 years but I think it's important that I remind you that you are

still my crush. Still the boy I swoon over, who gives me butterflies and makes me giggle.

I love everything about you, but I fell in love with your heart first. Your giving spirit and your generosity. Your

ability to make people smile and laugh. Your willingness to love and trust.

We have been through so much together; ups and down, good and bad, and after it all you still wake up every day with the desire to make me happy. You have never been much of a talker, and that's alright, because you don't

show love with only your words. You show love every time you make me laugh. Every time you look across

the room and catch my eye. And every time you hold my hand and kiss my forehead. I am beyond blessed to have you as my crush, my husband, my best friend.

I just want to thank you for changing my life. Showing me that even though two people have been together for a long time the excitement doesn't have to diminish. The love

doesn't have to fade. Thank you for loving me, needing me, and wanting me. Here is to 60 more years. I love you.



Ohio, USA

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