Vonda Norwood

Vonda Norwood

It's Igloo Time, Baby is my first attempt to write a detailed sexual encounter, short story.  And when I say short, I mean five pages or less.  I blame authors; Stan Grimes and Shaun Allan for the idea.  On Twitter, Stan and I exchanged innocent jokes concerning him living in an igloo to avoid the summer's heat. Due to 140 characters being a difficult way to carry on a conversation, many people thought we were being salacious, and that made for an hysterical inside joke we couldn't resist continuing. Then I came upon, Shaun Allan's shorty erotica story, Blind Fold; it was a sexy and fun story, and only five pages long!  Five pages!  Between the igloo jokes and the sexy five pages, the obnoxious in me was dared to write a five page or less erotica story about two people in an igloo.  But it turned out difficult to be believable enough for people to care about. I decided absurdity had to come in to play.  That's right, It's Igloo Time, Baby is absurd.  It's told from the man's POV.  His name is Mr. Nice Guy.  His co-worker sexually harasses him, but won't date him. This short story is a comedy about Mr. Nice Guy's successful quest for total, oral gratuitous.  I was unable to tell it in five pages or less, it took me seven.  But in the end, Mr. No Longer - Mr. Nice Guy, didn't complain.

How long has writing entertained you for?


I was about eight years old when I heard someone say, "If you're not happy with the entertainment given to you, write your own," and I have been doing it ever since.

Why were you attracted to the genre of comedy, erotica and romance?


Comedy comes natural to me.  If something catches my interest, I'll find a way to create a comedy from it.  I create short comedy skits from song lyrics and I create entire comedy stories from anything that catches my attention.  I cannot control it; the stories pop into my head and entertain me.  I believe I have been practicing entertaining myself since I was eight years old.  My mind automatically functions to create comedy. 


Romance is always attractive and can be fun to write about.  Comedy and romance together, I can't resist.  Erotica?  I decided to write erotica to teach myself to be a better writer.  In all honesty, detailed sexual encounters aren't easy for me to write.  Sex is naturally interesting, but describing it and making it legible and then something a reader can relate to, or at least have some sort of reason to care about the fact the characters are sexually interacting, is not easy to do.   Writing erotica has taught me more about writing than any lesson I've ever had.  I very much enjoy the accomplishment of completing a story that tells exactly what I wanted.  

Please give us some insight into your previous publications.  


My stories are: romance/comedies, erotica/comedies and erotica short stories.  They can only be found in eBook form on amazon.  I'm having a wonderful time writing the character Brenda, in the terrific comedy, Aunt Alice and Spot, which is featured in this magazine Female First.  Renee Bernard and Danny Kemp are great writers and create fantastic dialogue for me as a writer, to react to their characters.

Please tell us about the character of Miss Tease A lot!


Miss. Tease Alot, is not likable and she not respectable. The only interesting thing about her is the fact she's ridiculously all about having sex in an igloo.  She exists solely to give Mr. Nice Guy, a reason to enjoy being stuck in a blizzard and alone with her in an igloo.

Why is sexy and funny such a great combination for storytelling?


I enjoy approaching everyday situations with a sense of humour.  Real life can be entertaining when one sees comedy where there is no actual comedy.  To take a non - comical and non - sexy situation and then use my imagination to change the dialogue and actions to create sexy and funny is extremely entertaining for me.  I can only write what I have to share and mind wanders around chopping up bland and then turning it into something interesting. That's what I do.  I enjoy it, I write it and then I share it. 

Who are your favourite reads in the genre?


I wish I could answer this question with a name or two, but I have no favourite authors in any genre.  I know it sounds egotistical to say, but I can't lie:  I create stories to entertain myself. I may never become someone's favourite author, but I will always be my own favourite author.

What is your writing process?


The only time I have a story to write is when I have in mind, the shell of a beginning, middle and an ending to a story. Some stories need the ending written first, so that the details of the beginning and middle can be told.  I write the story's shell and then fill it in.  I then read the story, and then re-write it as many times as I need to.  After an editor tells me what I need to do to improve it, I fire the editor, or I re-write the story.  I have never fired an editor.  Except that one dude, but I don't think he was an editor and technically speaking, shooting a man's foot off, isn't really firing, unless you mean fired upon.  I have never fired an editor.

What is next for you?


I have written many short stories, but I have yet to complete an erotica story that which details sensual and erotic.  I am working on that right now.  Its title is, The Punisher.  When completed I will have the experience I need to complete my novel, Murtagh McKnight, which is a dramatic, erotic, love story about a man and a woman who are so very right and wrong for each other.  It's an emotional story.  One like I have never produced.  I look forward to releasing it sometime in the Spring.  I am Vonda Norwood on Twitter.  I tweet every day and I follow back.



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