Miley Cyrus thinks sex is a beautiful act

Miley Cyrus thinks sex is a beautiful act

Miley Cyrus thinks sex is "a beautiful thing".

The 19-year-old 'LOL' star said that the way some girls view the act makes her sad because the intimate experience should be enjoyed for all involved.

During an interview on 'The Conversation with Amanda de Cadenet', she said: "The girls that really base how much they're worth on the sexual favours they can do for somebody, that makes me really sad. Because sex is actually really beautiful."

The former 'Hannah Montana' actress continued to say that the stance that some parents take on discussing the birds and the bees with their adolescent children is wrong.

She went on: "It's the only way we create, and it's the only way the world keeps going. So it's ignorant not to talk to your kids about it or [not] make it seem as magical or cool as it actually is.

Miley continued: "[Kids] have a TV, so they know what sex is. So educate them and let them know... it's a beautiful thing, and it is magic, and it's when you connect with somebody. And it isn't how much you're worth. Your worth isn't based on that, your worth is based on how you feel about yourself."

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