A comedic love triangle emerges out of the MTV Awards

A comedic love triangle emerges out of the MTV Awards

Young girls across the country hoped and prayed for Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart to give an on-screen at the MTV Awards.

However, it wasnt to be. The 7,000 fans watching in shock as Pattinson brushed away his on/off girlfriend and went for a snog with their co-star, Taylor Lautner.

The pair went up to recieve their third Best Kiss award when the actress leaned in for a kiss, saying: "It’s been a long time and I think maybe we should finally go for it."

R-Patz replied: "I feel bad because I don't feel like kissing you. I just think there's someone else in the audience who will appreciate it a little more."

The two previous awards, the pair have both refused to kiss but it seemed this year, Kristin Stewart wasn't missing out again.

After her public humiliation, backstage, Stewart shouted across the room: "You made me look like a total jerk out there!"

The vampire heart throb attempted to defend himself but she wasnt having any of it; she told him "don't even bother," held a hand up to him and walked off.

Love always finds a way, though and a few minutes later, the couple were seemingly back on track.