Alec and Hilaria Baldwin

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin

Alec Baldwin has been losing weight during his wife's pregnancy.

The '30 Rock' actor credits his spouse Hilaria - who is due to give birth to their baby in August - with introducing him to a healthier lifestyle but the 29-year-old yoga instructor admitted she is unhappy that Alex is losing weight while she is gaining it.

She said: "He's losing weight - this is the one time when he is losing weight and I am gaining - hopefully the one time! He's still pretty happy he has food around the house that we don't normally have, like heartier grains ... I'm trying to eat more now that I'm pregnant."

While Hilaria is putting on weight, she hasn't had any strange cravings and has managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the pregnancy.

She added to "No cravings or indulgences, which has pluses and minuses. The pluses are I'm eating really well - I haven't had extreme weight gain at all. I've gained weight - my doctor is happy with where I am.

"In the beginning, I wanted pineapple, but it wasn't, 'I need pineapple now.' It's more what feels good going down. I've found that I've had more aversions to food. I could eat a whole plate of kale before; now, no. I really like miso soup - I ordered it the other night, took one sip and was like, "Get it away from me right now." The other night was the first time I asked Alec to get me food in the middle of the night. I couldn't eat a lot of dinner and at 2 am I said, 'I need to eat, now'. He brought melon and almonds ... his choice."

Hilaria also revealed plans for a natural childbirth, although she isn't adverse to having an epidural if the pain gets too bad.

She added: "Right now, I want to do it naturally. That's not to say there's something wrong with the epidural, but that's the way I was raised - I'm a pretty natural person. But if it does get to the point where I am screaming for the epidural, I have no problems with that. We'll see where it goes."

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