Conan O'Brien

Conan O'Brien

Conan O'Brien will be honoured by the US-Ireland Alliance next year (2014).

The 'Conan' talk show host's contribution to the entertainment industry will be recognised at the annual 'Oscar Wilde: Honouring the Irish in Film' event in Santa Monica on February 27.

US-Ireland Alliance president Trina Vargo commented: "Talk shows are instrumental to the way the public learns about films and those who inhabit them.

"Conan deploys his humour, intelligence and talent in the promotion of films.

"And there is also the matter of needing to settle his claim that he is the owner of O'Brien's Castle on the Cliffs of Moher."

YouTube creator Chad Hurley will also be honoured at the event because he is seen to have "democratised" the film industry.

Trina said: "In creating YouTube, Chad Hurley democratised film-making.

"He gave everyone with a video camera, a screen on which to put their work, tell their stories, and the chance to reach a global audience."

Meanwhile, it had previously been revealed 'Seven Psychopaths' star Colin Farrell will also be honoured by the US-Ireland Alliance, which dedicated to educating Americans about contemporary Ireland and to strengthening the relationship for future generations.