Demi Lovato was reportedly struggling with her body confidence when she suffered her suspected overdose.

Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

The 25-year-old singer was taken to hospital earlier this week after suffering what is believed to have been a heroin overdose, and sources have now claimed that in the weeks before the incident, the star had been troubled by her recent weight gain as she was pushing herself to "look great" for her performances on her 'Tell Me You Love Me' tour.

An insider said: "Three weeks ago, a close friend of Demi's tried to sit down and talk to her. They were so worried. They wanted to help her slow down and live a cleaner lifestyle, but all she cared about was her weight gain."

Demi - who had celebrated six years of sobriety this year before revealing in new song 'Sober' last month that she had relapsed - was reportedly in a "terrible place" with her self-confidence, and put too much pressure on herself to look flawless.

The source added to 'Entertainment Tonight': "She didn't want to talk about her drug or alcohol use, she wanted to discuss dieting. Demi started gaining weight in the last few months and her friends knew she was partying way too much and was in a terrible place.

"Demi is very self-conscious about her weight and she puts added pressure on herself to look great because she feels that it's what the public and her fans expect, but she wasn't willing to give up partying for weight loss."

Earlier this week, the 'Sorry Not Sorry' singer was reported to be planning on heading "heading straight to rehab" as soon as she's discharged from the hospital.

A source said: "She slipped up and thought she could handle it. This is obviously a huge wake-up call. Demi doesn't want to die and she's very grateful to be alive. She will be leaving the hospital and heading straight to rehab. Her family has been by her side supporting her and is getting her the help she needs."

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