Demi Lovato's family have "looked into options" for rehab centres after the star's suspected overdose.

Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

The 'Sorry Not Sorry' singer was taken to hospital earlier this week after suffering from what appeared to be a heroin overdose, and it has now been claimed that her family are "pushing" for her to enter rehab, preferably as soon as she is allowed to leave hospital.

An insider told People magazine: "Demi's family is pushing for rehab. They have looked into several options. After an overdose, it's encouraged to head straight to rehab. If the person is allowed to return home first, it's harder to commit to rehab."

Previously, it was reported Demi, 25, would be "heading straight to rehab" after her hospital stay, so she can work on getting sober once again.

A source said: "She slipped up and thought she could handle it. This is obviously a huge wake-up call. Demi doesn't want to die and she's very grateful to be alive. She will be leaving the hospital and heading straight to rehab. Her family has been by her side supporting her and is getting her the help she needs."

Demi had been sober for six years at the start of this year, but revealed last month through a song entitled 'Sober' that she had broken that sobriety.

On the track, she sings: "Momma, I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore / And daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor.

"To the ones who never left me, we've been down this road before / I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore."

And following her alleged overdose, sources claim the star is determined to get back on the right track once again.

Another insider said: "Demi opened up to her friends and family that she was no longer sober, but was working on her ongoing addiction. However, Demi lost control. The overdose has been a wakeup call to Demi that she needs to get more serious about her sobriety and is telling friends and family she will do everything it takes to get back to the amazing place she was in before she slipped."

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