Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

The 67-year-old actress retained her dignity and sex appeal which threatened to define her early career, and she refused to accept her image should change as she ages.

She said: “Fresh sells. People don’t want to see pictures of churches. They want to see naked bodies.”

With an image-conscious society, Helen also explained it can be easy to be seen as a great star, despite not putting in an extraordinary amount of effort.

She continued: “All you have to do is to look like c**p on film and everyone thinks you’re a brilliant actress. Actually, all you’ve done is look like c**p.”

Helen Mirren

As the ‘Hitchcock’ star nears the end of her 60s, she defended her decision to not have children and put it partly down to her adventurous attitude to life.

Helen said: “I still have a gypsy sense of adventure. I don’t think I have slept in the same bed for more than three or four months my whole left.

“I am always planting vegetables that I never get to eat and flowers that I never see flower. I have always moved around the world.”

She recently explained: “It was only boring old men [who asked why I hadn’t had children]. Whenever they went, ‘What? No children? Well, you’d better get on with it, old girl,’ I’d say, ‘No! F**k off!’ ”

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