Kerry Katona

Kerry Katona

Kerry Katona reckons she has a bad luck curse.

The controversial television personality and singer has already been through a lot, including her struggle with bipolar disorder, a history of drug abuse, two bankruptcies and two failed marriages, so she is starting to consider just why it is that she falls victim to such foul situations.

She told the Daily Star newspaper: "I feel cursed. As soon as something good happens to me, a million bad things happen.

"One in four people have mental health issues. I have four children and one on the way. You do the maths. I need to find out if this is hereditary or if my traumatic childhood is to blame."

The bubbly blonde - who has daughters Molly, 11, and Lilly Sue, 10, by her first husband Brian McFadden, and Heidi, six, and five-year-old son Max with her second spouse Mark Croft - is expecting a baby with her new boyfriend George Kay, and is hopeful her luck is on the up.

Kerry said: "At this very moment, everything is perfect. I have a baby in my belly, the best friends in the world, a great job and I'm a very lucky girl. I'm very grateful.

"Today I step on through to start the next chapter in my life."

But the 33-year-old star has decided to explore her troubled childhood - which memorably saw her offered Class A drug speed by her mum, Sue, aged just 14 - one more time for new Channel 5 documentary, 'Kerry Katona: My Depression Diaries'.

She explained: "From a young age I lived with aunties, uncles, stepdads and nanas. I had four sets of foster parents, and went to three refuges and eight different schools. It's no wonder I have abandonment issues.

"A lot of my mental health issues stem from post-traumatic stress from my childhood."

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