Kylie Jenner is "devastated" by Jordyn Woods' betrayal.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner

The 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star was shocked to find out her best friend kissed her sister Khloe Kardsahian's boyfriend Tristan Thompson and is upset at the idea she will have to cut her off.

A source told The Sun Online: "Kylie is devastated about everything. She would never have guessed this would happen. Jordyn is her closest friend and she relies on her so heavily. She gets advice on everything from her - Jordyn goes to pretty much every business meeting with Kylie. They live together, she helps care for Stormi, she drives her places, she is emotional support when Kylie is overwhelmed. Faced with losing all of that, Kylie is really upset. She's been in tears every day and the whole family is very concerned she won't be able to cope without her."

Jordyn was recently told to move out of her best friend Kylie's house so that the television personality can make up her mind about what she wants to do next.

An insider said: "Kylie is extremely upset about everything that is going on with Khloe and her best friend Jordyn. Jordyn is a sister to Kylie, and she's extremely shocked this could happen, as is the whole family. Kylie is trying to get all the facts before she makes up her mind, but for now Jordyn isn't staying at Kylie's. Kylie needs her space and also wants to respect her sister Khloe. The future of their friendship hangs on the facts."

Tristan and Jordyn got close when they went with a "group with mutual friends" to see Drake and went back to Tristan's for an after party.

The insider previously said: "Tristan and Jordyn were definitely hanging close to one another and were being very flirty. Tristan had his arms around her at one point. Jordyn stood by him the entire time they were out and he was laughing and smiling at her."