Kylie Jenner is "devastated" about Jordyn Woods' betrayal.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner

The 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star has been having a "rough week" and is still reeling after her best friend was caught kissing Kylie's sister Khloe Kardashian's partner Tristan Thompson at a party a couple of weeks ago.

A source told People magazine: "Kylie has had a rough week. She is still devastated about Jordyn and had an argument with Travis."

Jordyn recently spoke out to give her side of the story, insisting her kiss with Tristan was a drunken mistake and a "dumb move" to make.

She said: "I'm not thinking, 'I shouldn't be here'. That's my first step where I went wrong. I should have gone home after the party. I shouldn't even have been there.

"Never once was I giving him a lap dance, making out with him, sitting all over him. It's just - we're all together. We're in a group. Never once did we leave the public area to go to a bedroom, a bathroom - we're all in plain sight. It was a kiss on the lips, but no tongue kiss. No making out. I don't think he's wrong either because I allowed myself to be in that position. When alcohol is involved, people make dumb moves."

Jordyn only she wishes she would have told Khloe and Kylie "the truth from the beginning" and now wants to do the best for Khloe.

She added: "If I'd have told the truth from the beginning. I was there, I was drunk, this wouldn't have happened ... I have spoken a little bit with her [Khloe].

"I let her know I'm willing to do whatever it is for her peace of mind. Not for my image. Not for my career."

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