Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is hosting his first Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation St. Tropez Gala later this month, an event which promises to be one of the most "glamorous and talked about" of the summer.

DiCaprio  will stage the inaugural Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation St. Tropez Gala on July 23 to support environmental causes, and the event is set to be one of the "most glamorous, talked-about and exclusive events of the summer".

According to the New York Post newspaper's Page Six column, an email asking people to buy tickets read: "By attending and supporting this event you will not only be part of what will without a doubt be the most glamorous, talked-about and exclusive events of the summer, but even more importantly, your support will go directly to saving the earth."

The event will be held at rosé winery Domaine Bertaud Belieu.

Last month the generous star pledged $7 million for ocean conservation after speaking at the State Department's Our Ocean Conference in Washington to decry "the Wild West on the high seas".

He said: "[I'm] here as a concerned citizen of this planet who believes this is the most important issue of our time.

"What we need is sustained activism and courageous political leadership. We cannot afford to be bystanders in this pre-apocalyptic scenario."

The 39-year-old actor went on to speak of his sadness in the changes he has seen to Australia's Great Barrier Reef in recent years.

He said: "Since my very first dive in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia 20 years ago to the dive I got to do in the very same location just two years ago, I've witnessed environmental devastation firsthand.

"What once had looked like an endless underwater utopia is now riddled with bleached coral reefs and massive dead zones."

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