Megan Fox knew Machine Gun Kelly was her soulmate "instantly".

Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly (c) Instagram

Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly (c) Instagram

The 'Transformers' star met her now-boyfriend on the set of their movie 'Midnight in the Switchgrass' and she admits she knew he was the one as soon as they first locked eyes.

Speaking about her relationship, she told The Washington Post: "The first time I looked into his eyes, I was like ... 'I know you. I have known you so many times, in so many different forms, in so many different lives.' I wasn't expecting it'd be like, 'God, you are my soul mate,' instantly."

Kelly had previously confessed he "didn't know what love was" until he met Megan.

He said: "I didn’t know what [love] was until me and her made eye contact. That’s when I was like, ‘Whoa.’ After I made the big chunk of the album ['Tickets to My Downfall'], I did fall in love for the first time. That was my first experience with being open to love and stuff like that.

"I definitely wasn’t set up to believe that that’s something that could ever exist. My house isn't gated, so that's the one problem. Everyone knows where my house is, so it's like this odd moment, where I was kind of living my life super normal and the next day, there were paparazzi outside my house every day."

And Megan recently gave her boyfriend a vial of her blood on a necklace so that he wouldn’t miss her when she went out of the country for a film role.

Explaining her gift, he said: "Well, she was actually going out of town to film a movie. This was really new in our relationship. I didn’t have a passport either. So, she was going out to Bulgaria so I was kind of freaking out, like, 'You’re gonna leave and I can’t even come see you.' Some people give, like, a handkerchief to their partner or whatever. She gave me her DNA."