Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne is taking his life one day at a time.

The 65-year-old rocker has had an eventful year amid his relapse into drugs and alcohol, a temporary separation with his wife Sharon and reuniting with Black Sabbath, but he says he doesn't plan for the future and will take each day as it comes.

He said: "I'm 65 years of age and at this point I'm taking one day at a time. I haven't made any plans. If I can get through to Christmas, I'll worry about 2014 after that."

Meanwhile, the musician says while he is close to his Black Sabbath bandmates Geezer Butler and Tony Iommi, the group don't live in each others' pockets on tour.

He explained in an interview with Classic Rock magazine: "We've always got on with each other. I mean, I've known Tony for 54 years. There are no problems.

"We don't sit around crying about stuff, we just get on and do it. We don't travel separately, but we don't hang out in bars and we don't really have lunch and dinner together because Geezer is a vegetarian.

"We're not a band that steps off stage and then has to sit down and talk with one another in order to feel connected."