Scott Hall's family are preparing to take him off life support.

Kevin Nash paid tribute to Scott Hall (c) Instagram

Kevin Nash paid tribute to Scott Hall (c) Instagram

The 63-year-old wrestler suffered three heart attacks on Saturday (12.03.22) following complications after hip replacement surgery and his nWo teammate Kevin Nash has revealed he is "going to lose" his friend once his loved ones have said their goodbyes.

Sharing a photo of them together on Instagram, Kevin wrote: "Scott’s on life support. Once his family is in place they will discontinue life support.

"I’m going to lose the one person on this planet I’ve spent more of my life with than anyone else. My heart is broken and I’m so very f****** sad.

"I love Scott with all my heart but now I have to prepare my life without him in the present. I’ve been blessed to have a friend that took me at face value and I him."

Kevin reflected on the bond he shared with Scott - who was known as Razor Ramon in their days with the then-WWF - throughout their careers.

He added: "‘When we jumped to WCW we didn’t care who liked or hated us. We had each other and with the smooth Barry Bloom we changed wrestling both in content and pay for those…… alot that disliked us. We were the “Outsiders ” but we had each other. (sic)"

Although Scott, who has battled addiction, didn't feel he was "worthy of the afterlife", his friend urged God to welcome him.

He wrote: "Scott always felt he wasn’t worthy of the afterlife. Well God please have some gold plated toothpicks for my brother.

"My life was enriched with his take on life.

"He wasn’t perfect but as he always said, 'The last perfect person to walk the planet they nailed to a cross.'

"As we prepare for life without him just remember there goes a great guy you ain’t going to see another one like him again. See Ya down the road Scott. I couldn’t love a human being any more than I do you (sic)"

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