

Tulisa New boyfriend Marlon Nicholson has singer smiling again.

Tulisa who was arrested three months ago over her part in a suspected drugs sting - has endured a mix number of disasterous relationships since becoming famous in 2000, but since meeting businessman Marlon Nicholson, the singer is now content with her life.

A source says of Tulisa: "Marlon has made Tulisa feel like a princess and it's really putting a spell over her because she was so low before. She's been saying she finally feels loved after feeling empty for so long."

Tulisa had her reputation destroyed after her ex-boyfriend Justin Edwards released a sex tape of her last year is smitten with her new man because they both have a party-loving personality.

A source told closer: "He's a bit of a name on the Essex party scene - the kind of guy who hangs out with footballers - and it's clear he's making Tulisa feel she can finally enjoy herself again. Friends think they're a great match, but it's early days."

Tulisa 25, is due in court to answer her police bail next month following the drugs deal exposed by under cover reporters from The Sun newspaper in June, but is keen to get her priorities right once the investigation has ended.

Tulisa knows it's time to get her career back on track. When the police investigation is over, she still wants to pursue her acting plans in the US.

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