Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith and their children Jaden and Willow

Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith and their children Jaden and Willow

Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith are believed to be undergoing a trial separation.

The pair have been dogged by rumours that their fifteen year marriage is in trouble all year, and they are allegedly living apart at the moment.

The couple have two children together Jaden, 15 and Willow, 12 - Will has a son Trey with his first wife Sheree Zampino.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "They were considered to have one of the most solid marriages in Hollywood, but lately it hasn't seemed that way. Things seemed tense for months."

Will and Jada have been denying reports about a marriage crisis for months.

Will Smith joked with on Queen Latifah's chat show earlier this year that he first found out about the rumours while he was in bed with his wife.

The actor is believed to have been staying in New Orleans since completing filming on his new film Focus.

RadarOnline reported that Jada has moved into her brother's house in California after returning from a trip to Europe.

The couple married in 1997.

She said in an open letter on Facebook: "Will and I can both do whatever we want because we trust each other to do so. This does not mean we have an open relationship. It means we have a grown one."

And earlier this month, at the Associated Black Charities of Baltimore Girls' Night Out Event, Jada referred to a marital "storm".

According to one audience member, she said: "When you are going through a storm with your spouse ... stop thinking about what you 'believe' a husband or wife should be."

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