Bill  and Giuliana Rancic

Bill and Giuliana Rancic

How did you feel having a camera crew surrounding you when you were arguably at you were both at your most vulnerable? Did you ever crave privacy or regret the decision to feature it in the show?  The show is all about showing the truth for us, and although we did discuss keeping this private, Giuliana's fierce desire to alert other women about early detection carried the day. 

How did you feel when the show aired and you had to relive that time in your life?  It was odd, because we had already moved so far from that place, emotionally.  Looking back, I am proud of the way we handled the situation.

Giuliana is the love of my life, and having her with me is way more important than anything else."

What made you want to be a part of this show in the first place? If you had reservations what were they?  After winning "The Apprentice," I had a good idea of what it might be like, and of course Giuliana spends so much time on-camera, so she was no stranger to the process.  Once we got used to the fact that during filming you have cameras on you all the time, we were able to ignore them and just live our lives.

Many women can relate to a fight against the disease, were you overwhelmed were you by the amount of public support you both received?  Completely overwhelmed.  One of the big benefits of being a public couple is that when you face adversity, there are fans out there who rally to support you, whether on Facebook, Twitter, or just through posting supportive comments online.  We were both carried away by the love that is out there.

You have suffered many setbacks in your relationship, how have these made you stronger as a couple and what advice would you give to others going through something as difficult as cancer?  Honest communication is the key to any strong relationship.  Don't hide feelings from that one person who means more to you than anyone else in the world.

A mastectomy is the last thing any woman would wish to go through, how did you feel when you were both first told it was the solution?  I was 100% in agreement because Giuliana is the love of my life, and having her with me is way more important than anything else.

It must be tough seeing somebody you love become so ill; did the support of your in-laws help a lot? What kept you positive for the sake of you both?  Our in-laws, our E! and Style families, friends, and fans from around the world really stepped up for us.  My in-laws are amazing in every way, and Mama DePandi kept us fed in grand style!

Living in the public eye could test the strongest of marriages at the best of times; did the media attention at such a difficult stage in your lives ever become too much for either of you?  It certainly could have, but we are both committed to public life and what that entails, so no, we are a strong team and that strength helped us through it.

What do you think it is about your relationship that sets you apart from the other reality TV couples?  I would say it is the "reality" with which we live on-camera.  We share not only the "ups," but also some pretty big "downs" as well. 

What positive aspects of your lives can viewers look forward to seeing in the new series?  Well, of course the big news is that we will be parents at long last.  We can't wait!

Female First Jennifer Mulcahey

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