No, I mean my passion lies in both of them and I think you can do all these things and it's what keeps life excited and interested in your work. You know, my passion definitely lies in both of them.

See, I thought you were great in Mrs Henderson Presents..

Wow thank you, thank you very much.

Are you excited about your upcoming tour?

Yes, I'm really excited I haven't toured in ages so I did the festivals, but it's great to do something every night for a month and do a lot of the new stuff, I'm really looking forward to it and it will be a great run-up to Christmas.

What's your favourite track to sing live?

At the moment it's Grace..

When is the best time to listen to that track, because it's described as being uplifting...?

I think it's a good one in the car actually.. yeah just in the background.

What's on your i-pod on the moment?

Erm I've just got the new Emily Tartini album, so I've just literally put it on my pod last night.

Finally, we ask everyone we interview to come up with a question for the next person we interview and John Ilsley from the Dire Straits asks you- Do you think Barack Obama will make a good president?

Er... I think he... well, I don't know everything about his policies but I think that he is definitely a better leader than McCain. He's more charismatic, and yeah it's not just about being a politician anymore. Anyone can be better than the last one!

Well good luck with Burberry and everything!

Thank you so much, byeeeee!

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry