As an improviser I find moments of genuine spontaneity the most comedic. We are never more hilariously human than when we react on the spot, instantly and without filter. Here are my top ten moments of spontaneous genius that make me laugh out load whatever the weather.

Murder, She Didn't Write by Jamie Corbin

Murder, She Didn't Write by Jamie Corbin

1) On This Morning where Philip and Holly interview a couple who have multiple orgasms then realise their scripted link is highly inappropriate… “Still to come…”

2) When a man arrived for a job interview at the BBC was mistakenly put on BBC news as the editor of News Wireless and asked what he thought of the music download industry. You can see the moment his arse falls out of his trousers and then the wry smile as he thinks he can get away with just playing along.

Here’s the moment he realises…

…and here is the moment he decides to play along.

Here is the full clip.

3) When Jimmy Carr surprised himself by adding a bizarre quip about glory holes onto this introduction to Susie Dent.

4) When a wonderful and sassy girl interrupts a BBC interview.

5) Ricky Gervais is king of improv joy and he cracks Martin Freeman up so many times when he experiments in the moment.


And again…

And again!

Here you go!

6) This scene from Dumb and Dumber was supposed to be pretty much improvised. Jim Carey at his finest with “the most annoying time in the world”.

7) The Interdimensional Cable parts of Rick and Morty.

For those not familiar with the show it’s a cartoon show about a mad scientist who goes on adventures with his nephew. Every time the characters sit down to watch TV they are actually watching short skits and improv dialogue by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland which are later animated. They are hilarious, silly and spontaneous.

8) So much of Shooting Stars is truly hilarious but I love that George Dawes struggles to make it through the songs.

Weather it’s his Baked Potato song…

…or his peanuts song; his corpsing is absolutely contagious.

9) When Sunday Brunch on Channel 4 dared to have Russell Brand as a guest and his anarchy turned the studio upside down.

10) Nish Kumar’s reactions to Rachael Paris’ incredible sexual harassment guide on the Mash Report, not to mention her lightspeed comebacks.

Murder, She Didn’t Write is at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe from 1st – 27th August
