When you dream about an apron- it suggests that you or someone else needs to make commitment to a task related to the family.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Perhaps you already have and are taking great care to see it through.

It’s possible you feel the need to nurture some project in your waking hours- it needs more care an attention than you’re currently giving it.

An apron can symbolise protection- perhaps you want to shield yourself from someone or something you feel will leave a mark on your reputation. The dream could be acting as a reminder to you to protect yourself sufficiently before starting a new task, relationship or job. Don’t leave yourself underprepared.

Aprons might also mean you are trying to hide something; a secret or an insecurity. What do you have to gain from keeping it under wraps?

More negatively, an apron is linked to submission; perhaps you are letting someone tell you what to do. Consider who was in the dream with you as this might be the person who is trying to exert their power over you. Is it time you stood up to them and proved that you aren’t a walk over?

If you are a woman dreaming fo wearing an apron, perhaps you feel you have to adhere to societal norms if you’re new to a relationship or a marriage.

Consider how you felt in the dream- if you were enjoying wearing the apron and cooking- perhaps this is something you will take a shine too or you already enjoy. However, if you were unhappy wearing the apron and the tasks related to it- you might need to find some balance in your partnership where traditional roles are concerned.

Along the same vein- an apron can by synonymous with old fashioned ideas and constraints. Perhaps someone in your life holds such ideas and it makes you feel uncomfortable- is it time to tell them you disagree? Alternatively, you may have been brought up to believe in these outdated concepts and are trying to break away from them.  It’s possible you’re just realising that your ideals are no longer relevant and trying to keep up with change.

Source: www.dreammoods.com

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