When you dream about frost, it's possible that you are emotionally distancing yourself from someone in your waking life.

We find out what it means to dream about frost

We find out what it means to dream about frost

If so- ask yourself why. Is it because of them and your relationship with this person or is it due to your own feelings about yourself?

It’s possible you are being deliberately unattainable to others right now or someone close to you has put up a barrier to keep you out.

Perhaps you care for someone less than they care for you and you are trying to let them know by pulling away from them.

It could indicate a place that’s devoid of positive emotion at present- like your workplace or within your family if there has been a feud. Wherever it lies, there is unhappiness within the group involved.

It can also mean a setback in your goals- perhaps something has come along that has halted your progress lately and you feel behind. There is a period of inactivity.

Frost on the landscape could be linked to the challenges you are currently facing- just remember that they are not permanent.

Another interpretation is that it indicates a period of hardship- you might be worried about money and resources right now and worried about how you are going to get by.

Frost might be associated with things you want to preserve for later. Perhaps you aren’t ready for something now but are willing to wait until you are. Or maybe you’re aware that by waiting a little longer- the rewards will be greater than they are now.

One final thought process is that it signifies an opening, so you and others can access your emotions at a deeper level. You may try to come across as having an icy exterior, but it doesn't take much to delve deeper if people aren't put off by this layer.

Source: www.edreaminterpretation.org


The Complete A-Z Dictionary of Dreams by Ian Wallace

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