Dreaming about a prom symbolises the end of something and the start of something new. A new relationship, a new job, a new hobby or a new location for instance.

Credit: Dmitry Feoktistov/Tass/PA Images

Credit: Dmitry Feoktistov/Tass/PA Images

More simply, you may just be thinking about your upcoming prom in real life; feeling nervous about the person you are going with, being on display or thinking about someone you might like to go with.

If something went wrong at your prom then you may be reliving it because you want to set something right or do something differently. This may not necessarily be about your prom but some other are of your life that you would change if you could.

You might have some regrets about the past or some missed opportunities you didn’t take at that time or at some other point in your life. The important thing to remember is that t’s in the past so it might be wise to move on rather than dwell on what could have been.

Proms can also indicate your longing for youth if you are feeling your age or old right now.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

Perhaps you miss that period in your life, the people in it and how you felt at that time. The fact that you had your whole life ahead of you at that time and now you have lived it. Are you thinking about how you might have lived it differently?

Or maybe you are just feeling nostalgic if you have been talking about your prom in your waking life or spending time with those you attended with.

If you are past prom age and didn’t go to the prom, then you may just be yearning for romance in your life.  

If you have a child who is about to go to prom, maybe you are feeling some jealousy towards them as they are yet to experience something you already have.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about an apple?

If there was a worm in the apple- you may have a traitor in your midst- someone is trying to eat away at something from the inside- a person is working against you inside your organisation perhaps. A half-eaten apple could represent feelings of lack of fulfilment- do you need to do something more in your life to feel like you’re making the most of it? Perhaps you need to look at the full picture before making any decisions rather than just a snippet.

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