To dream about St. Patrick’s Day and it’s meaning depends on how you feel about the day in your waking hours.

Credit: Gavriil Grigorov/Tass/PA Images

Credit: Gavriil Grigorov/Tass/PA Images

If you mark this celebration every year and you haven’t been able to carry on the tradition this year, perhaps the dream references all the things you might be missing out on. 

This could be the social side of the day if you tend to have a party or meet up with your friends at the local pub.

If you can’t do things you normally would, perhaps the dream is telling you to make the best of it- however this might look. 

If you generally let the day pass you by, the dream could be encouraging you to make more of an effort, especially if you haven’t had much going on at present.  

A pot of gold at the end of a rainbow is synonymous with St. Patrick’s Day so maybe you are looking for something that doesn’t exist or isn’t feasible. 

Consider what your goals and dreams are and if they are extreme, you may need to adjust your expectations a little.

RELATED: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

It’s likely you are preoccupied with the quest for money and you aren’t focusing your attention on what is really important such as your family or your happiness. It might be wise to shift your priorities if you want to feel a sense of satisfaction again.

Green is used in abundance around this time of year, and this colour usually represents jealousy, so perhaps you dreamed about the day because you’re feeling envious of someone lately. Consider who was in the dream with you for additional meaning as this might point you in the direction of a person you yearn to be like or have the same life as. 

Perhaps the lesson to be taken from this is to not focus so much on others and concentrate your efforts on yourself and your own life. If you address the source of your own contentment, you are less likely to crave for what others have.   

It is said that green makes you invisible to leprechauns on St. Patrick’s day too, so maybe you want to hide away and not be the centre of attention. If this is the case, what is making you retreat? Is this appropriate for your life right now or do you need to be more forthcoming? 

If you saw a leprechaun on St. Patrick’s Day, it’s possible there is someone trying to trick you in your waking hours. Again, try to remember who else was in the dream with you as it could be this very person who is trying to lead you astray. 

Perhaps you were the one dressed as a leprechaun- in which case, what mischief are you getting up to? Is it harmless or do you need to rethink your plans? What might seem funny now might not be once it’s over and done with so tread carefully.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about the colour green?

Consider the phrase- ‘the grass is greener’- perhaps you are only seeing the highlight reel of someone else’s life. It’s to be expected when comparing yourself with this person that you will fall short as it’s not the full picture. Distance yourself from such inaccurate portrayals of ‘real life’. The grass is green on your side, if you only take the time to look. Another phrase related to this colour is ‘green fingered’. Perhaps the dream is referring to your prowess in the garden. If you haven’t been spending much time in the garne and this is the thing that brings you the most joy- now might be the time to enjoy it again. More broadly, the dream might be hinting to you to get out in nature more. If you have been cooped up for months on end, would some time outdoors do you some good?...

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