With famine ravaging the land, the Mayan civilisation is on the decline. In a last attempt to please their god this savage race invade a quiet forest community killing many and taking several hostages. Hunter Jaguar Pow (Rudy Youngblood) hides his pregnant wife and young son down a well for protection promising to return for them before being caught himself.The hostages are taken to Mayan city and offered to their god as sacrifices. But Jaguar Pow escapes sacrifice and sets off through the jungle to return to his family with the vicious Mayan Zero Wolf in hot pursuit.Sadly Mel Gibson was been getting publicity for all the wrong reasons over his anti-semantic comments made during the films cinema promotion. But now with the DVD release the film can be looked at for what it is without drunken comments getting in the way. Apocalypto is a triumph.Gibson is a real story teller and he makes his films with such passion and great commitment that it seems odd that this is only his 4th directorial outing in 13 years.Despite criticism from many that his films are bloody and violent he must be praised for origionality and bottle, to not only shoot topics other director's may shy away from, but to also incorporate in the movie, for authenticity, dead languages. Apocalypto hits the ground running and doesn’t pause for breath right from the killing of a taper in the opening scenes to Jaguar Pow’s desperate bid to save his family two hours later.

Like Braveheart and The Passion of the Christ before it, it’s a violent and bloody movie with the removal of hearts and beheadings so anyone with a weak stomach should give this one a miss.

But in terms of violence it isn’t a patch on Passion. In fact the violence in this picture is where the greatest criticism lies in places Gibson tries so hard to shock or even repulse the audience that it ends up being comical which was doubtfully the desired effect.

There are some incredible set pieces especially the pyramids in the Mayan city which really bring this lost civilisation to life and Jaguar Pow’s leap over a waterfall.

The race through the jungle provides the film with a fabulous back-drop to accompany the heart of the action which is the climax of the film.

Gibson has cleverly used an unknown cast and Rudy Youngblood puts in a great turn as Jaguar Pow as he easily slips into the Mayan language that is spoke throughout.

Many of Hollywood’s big wigs claimed that they would not support this film in any way after Gibson’s faux pas but I find it hard to see how they could ignore it.

The honest portrayal of these lost civilisations is told with passion and bravery that this film will resurrect Gibson in the eyes of the film industry and cinema go-ers.

All in all this is an exciting action adventure movie that will do nothing but enhance Gibson’s directorial CV although it will not be for everyone. But you can safely assume that you will see nothing else like it on DVD this year.

Helen Earnshaw

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