Cast: Samuel L.Jackson, Christina Ricci, Justin Timberlake

Dir: Craig Brewer

Rating 4/5When Lazarus (Jackson), a divorced ex musician, finds Rae (Ricci) unconscious and badly beaten by the side of the road he takes her into his home and chains her to a radiator.Since Rae's biyfriend Ronnie (Timberlake) left to go to war she has been a wreck and has bee taken advantage of by almost every guy in the town.It appears that Rae has a physical need for sex. As Lazarus watches her twich in pain trying to get her need under control he sees that he is her only chane of redemption.Black Snake Moan may have disguised itself as a lusty, sex obsessed movie but actually it's a tale of morality and damaged people who help, and in an odd way, protect each other.You do have to throw reason an logic out of the window as it is a little bit far fetched. But the audience finds themselves caught up in the movie as it becomes compulsive viewing.

An attachment to the characters, especially Laz and Rae, develops and you just want them to be happy and be at peace with themselves.

Both Jackson and Ricci have taken a chance, and a major risk, especially for Jackson, taking on roles that many other well known actors wouldn't have.

Lazarus lost his passion for music and life when his marriage collapsed, his wife left him for his brother. And Rae was sexually abused as a child she is damaged, vulnerable and angry.

The pair create a great contrast: Jackson's straight, god fearing man to Ricci's out of control, wild child behaviour in a fearless performance from the young and underrated actress.

And Jackson arguably delivers his best performance since Pulp Fiction once again highlighting his versatility as an actor.

Director Craig Brewer has produced a great follow up to Hustle and Flow which really depicts well the Bible belt of Southern America as he highlights a hard and gritty Tennesse.

The cast are outstanding, Justin Timberlake being surprisingly good, as Laz shows Rae tough love, but love that she has never experienced before.

Their relationship develops well through the film, and their on screen chemistry dispells any issues of the slightly strange plot, as Laz becomes a father figure to Rae someone she can really trust.

Female First Helen Earnshaw

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