The harrowing and chilling tale of three tourists who frantically battle to save themselves from a vicious crocodile attack.

Set in the mangroves of Northern Australia and based on true events Black Water is a genuinely petrifying fight for survival, available on DVD from June 16th 2008.

Grace (Diana Glenn), her boyfriend Adam (Andy Rodoreda) and younger sister Lee (Maeve Dermody) decide to take a river tour whilst holidaying in Northern Australia.

As they drift through the mangrove swamps their boat is suddenly capsized and tour guide, Jim, disappears.

Realising they are being attacked by a crocodile, Adam drags Grace to the safety of a tree whilst Lee desperately clings to the overturned boat. Stranded and petrified, the three holiday makers must work out what it takes to survive.

Co-directors Andrew Trauchi and David Nerlich, present a startlingly powerful horror, with gruesome flesh wounds, broken bones, semi-devoured corpses and plenty of implied off camera nastiness.

Available on DVD from June 16th 2008, Black Water is a must own for all fans of gripping-the-edge of your seat horror films.