Featuring six great episodes Jane And The Dragon shows that dreams really can come true Jane dreams of becoming a Knight in the King’s Guard but is actually training to be a Lady-in-Waiting but one day a dragon comes and steals the Royal Prince. Jane sets off to confront the beast in his cave and makes friends with the big 300 year old puppy! For saving his son the King makes Jane an apprentice Knight.Jane is smart, brave and independent; someone who stands up for herself and her friends. She will not back down, not for anyone! Sometimes she feels the whole world is set against her her parents disapprove of her ambition to be a Knight. The other Knights are dead against it, especially the chauvinistic Ivon. The Prince is jealous for if he can’t be a Knight then why should a mere girl?Jane And The Dragon is a show that encapsulates a young girl’s struggle in a man’s world and her gutsy determination and humour as she proves everybody who doubts her wrong.

Her touching friendship with the quick-witted Dragon and the quests she must go on in order to prove herself and protect her friends will keep any modern girl with a dream captivated.