Directed by Patrice Leconte (The Girl on the Bridge, Intimate Strangers) and starring Daniel Auteuil (Hidden) and Dany Boon, My Best Friend is a hilarious and affecting tale of friendship and love.Francois is a middle-aged antique dealer with a stylish apartment and a fabulous life. However, when forced at a group dinner to consider his dearest acquaintances, he is blindsided by the revelation that none of them actually likes him. He’s arrogant, self-centred and harsh, and they don’t believe he even has one true friend. His business partner Catherine makes him a bet; if he can produce his best friend, she will let him keep the antique Greek vase he acquired that afternoon on the company tab. If not, it’s hers.Moving through Paris on a futile search for someone to fit the bill, he keeps encountering a trivia spouting, big-hearted cabbie named Bruno. Bruno’s chatty, lowbrow ways grate against Francois’s designer temperament, but he covets the others man’s easy way with people.

He convinces Bruno to teach him how to make friends and sets about learning the three S’s being sociable, smiling and sincere though they don’t come easy.

As the search continues, is the answer to Francois’ problem sitting right beside him in the taxi?