We all know already that bingo is a game for everyone. You can definitely enjoy a good game of bingo at any point of your life. 

Online bingo Credit credit pexels Andrea Piacquadio

Online bingo Credit credit pexels Andrea Piacquadio

It can keep entertained children for hours with minimum supervision, and the same principle applies to the elderly. That’s why Bingo is widely played at senior residences. 

Also, it keeps both children and elderly people’s mind active. 

Among average adults, it is associated with female players heavily. While that is a bit of an overstatement, there is a pattern here. 

It’s actually not that Bingo is directed to women, since man play it as much as the ladies. It’s more related to women preference to play bingo above other games. 

Why is that women prefer this game so much?

There are many reasons associated with this. First of all, bingo is an old game. It goes back as the 16th century, and while now a days the game is overly played by both sex players, during the 60’s and 70’s women were keener to this game, and those are trends that transcend from generation to generation. 

Motherhood plays a big role in this matter too. As mentioned before, when you have a pack of children eager to be entertained, there’s nothing like pulling out your bingo set and keep them entertained for a while. 

Those habits cut deep into us, and at a point, it molds your preferences for entertainment.

 Another important factor is the unstoppable growth of online bingo. There are websites where you can play your favorite bingo games from your phone and in short bursts, which allows you to play with one hand, for example, while putting your baby to sleep or even breasting. 

You only need internet connection and a capable mobile device such as a tablet or a phone. 

These websites welcome players with free spins and prize multipliers, which is a great incentive to get started. Visually they look stunning, and they are prefect for a quick game while waiting to pick up your kid at school, for example. 

Online games changed everything

credit pexels Andrea Piacquadio
credit pexels Andrea Piacquadio

With the current technologies bingo has found a new home to keep women entertained. As said before, you can play online bingo from anywhere. 

Woman are finding new moments, and places to play their preferred game of Bingo. 

Which in the end leads to bigger plans such as visiting one of the greatest bingo halls that are spread across the UK. 

While a basic though may mislead you to believe online bingo as a direct competitor to land bingo halls, it is not necessarily true. There are different games for different times. 

It is great to play a quick burst of bingo when you find yourself short on time, or even when the weather is not on our side, but when the weekend hits bingo halls are a perfect place to meet with your girlfriends, which enhances our social world greatly. 

What do men want?

That’s a tricky question, right? Well, they love bingo as well. As we said, bingo is a game for everyone, and men are no different than women in that matter. That said, they do find games such as blackjack, baccarat and poker more appealing than ladies do. 

Maybe it’s the mild passive-aggressive nature of those games that attract them better. Or maybe it’s just the large doses of James bond and Western movies that made a huge impact in them while growing up. 

Attention to detail

Bingo has a particularity, and more prominently present in online bingo. You don’t need to be 100% focusing on the game. The great thing about online bingo is that you can choose to have the system auto-scratching the numbers for you.

This is great for playing while looking after your kids or doing house chores. Even waiting in line at the supermarket. 

It is as easy as getting in the game and participate. Then, let the system do the boring stuff for you and just focus on collecting the prizes. 

The system has been provided with all the attention to detail necessary in games of this kind, so you can play in a more relaxed way. 

You can even play while watching your favorite show on streaming. Or further more, when your kid won’t let go on the TV with kid shows or videogames. You can let them have the TV while you play your good old bingo game, and everyone will be happy. 

The means

So, there are several ways to play bingo. Bingo halls have big shufflers and bingo callers inside their resorts, usually restored movie theaters and famous buildings. They offer diner, drinks and big shows to attract clients. 

The other option, and the one that we all start with, are home bingo sets. These are very cheap and provide huge entertainment for the family. It’s a great way to spice up a party, and also there are different versions of the game. You can even find one with animals!

Finally, there’s online bingo, which was widely discussed in this article, but to add more to what was already said, they offer many ways of playing. There’s even scratch bingo that resembles a scratch card but with bingo numbers.


So, is bingo a game for the ladies? Yes, it is, as it is also a game for men and for everyone. It’s not the game design that is being pushed to attract female public, but instead, it’s the lifestyle that matters when picking up a mean of entertainment. 

If a man and a woman make the same chores and have the same habits (which is absolutely possible) bingo game may suit the man as much as it suits the woman in question. 

The big difference remains in how men and women experience parenthood, for obvious physical reasons. 

So, just to recap. Bingo is not a game directed towards women. It is them who lean towards the game, and that does not exclude men from having a great time either. 

Bingo is a game for everyone to enjoy and that goes to you too!  

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