Donny Osmond

Donny Osmond

Donny Osmond has criticised Lady Gaga recently, saying how her persona and stunts are a "cheap way" of finding fame and selling records.

The former Osmonds star has already criticised Gaga's music video for 'Telephone' claiming it featured "profanity, sexual exploitation, nudity, and graphic violence".

Donny did say that Lady Gaga was "very talented" and insisted he just doent approve of the shock tactics she uses like her outfits and behaviour on stage.

 Speaking on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight he says, "First of all just let me make the statement: I think Lady Gaga is brilliant as a marketer, as a writer, as an artist - she is Madonna incarnated in my opinion. But I don't agree with a lot of the shock elements nowadays a lot of artists take to get their face on the cover, to get on the charts. 

"In my opinion it is a cheap way to become popular, but I do think she's a very talented woman."