Jack Nicholson Hopes To Avoid 'stupidity' Of Death From Smoking....

Legendary actor Jack Nicholson worries about contracting a smoking-related disease - because it will prove how stupid he was to smoke his whole adult life.The 70-year-old star, who has recently cut back on his intake of cigarettes, insists health warnings have never tempted him to quit smoking.He says, "I can tell you this from 100 per cent experience. No one has ever criticised me in any way about smoking that, while they were saying it, it didn't inflame my desire to smoke..."Look, nobody should smoke. It is not so much that you fear that moment when somebody comes in and says, 'That's it. You're dead. You smoked too much.' Well, that's not the real fear."The real fear is going through now the process and thinking, 'I'm dying of stupidity.' This is the self-recrimination about it."

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