Jack Nicholson and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are celebrating their birthdays / Picture Credits (l-r): Genesis/Starmax/PA Images, Birdie Thompson/Zuma Press/PA Images
Jack Nicholson and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are celebrating their birthdays / Picture Credits (l-r): Genesis/Starmax/PA Images, Birdie Thompson/Zuma Press/PA Images

Though they’re separated by almost three full decades when it comes to age, both Jack Nicholson and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are celebrating their birthday today (April 22nd, 2021). At 84 and 55 respectively, they’ve had quite the storied careers in the entertainment industry to-date!

Now, if the name Jack Nicholson doesn’t ring a bell… Just which rock have you been hiding under? The cinematic legend has been a pivotal part of films including One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, The Shining and The Departed. They are just three of the countless major projects his name has been linked to throughout the years.

Those who love the actor have taken to Twitter to celebrate his big day, looking back at some of those aforementioned performances as well as their other favourite memories from his time in showbiz.

Meanwhile, fans of The Walking Dead were left confused when fellow birthday boy Morgan made his debut as the villainous Negan. Though he brought his trusty, barbed-wire bat Lucille along with him - which would end the lives of two fan-favourite characters in messy fashion - we couldn’t help but fall for his charm and quick wit.

Not to mention those good looks…

Those who love Amazon Prime Video original series The Boys are also excited to see if Morgan will debut in the show’s third season, after news broke in the middle of 2020 that talks were taking place. Morgan also said he was “counting on” joining the show; but there were also conversations about whether it would be possible because of the coronavirus pandemic and filming restrictions.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

Happy birthday to both gentlemen! We can’t wait to see which projects they lend their talents to next…

MORE FROM SOCIAL BUZZ: Justice for George Floyd; Derek Chauvin guilty on all charges

America saw history in the making Tuesday night (April 20th, 2020), as former police officer Derek Chauvin was unanimously found guilty on all charges of murdering George Floyd back in May 2020.

Of course, the death of Floyd means that nobody comes out of this a winner; but we know now that with Chauvin being officially labelled a convicted murderer, a small slither of accountability will be served by the American court system…

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