By Jessica Bayley 

As pubs, amongst other things, begin to open back up again and people flock to the beer gardens, are we now preparing to bid farewell to the picnics in the park which have served us so well over this past year?

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Many of us have enjoyed a park date or two over the course of this pandemic, but has the time come for us to return back to the pubs and rest the picnics with Tiger King and banana bread as a lockdown memory?

They allow you to admire where you live, the nature that surrounds you and can often help you save your coins too. They have been enjoyed so much already, do they really need to leave, especially when more nice weather looks like it is just around the corner?

Whether you prefer the aesthetically pleasing Pinterest-perfect picnic or just the spontaneity of stopping and sitting, there are so many reasons to choose a picnic. But as the pubs open and their beer gardens are being braved, populated by puffer jackets and pints, these picnics seem to be slipping away.

Although, in a world where you can have both, why should you choose between a pint or a park? Just because we are once again seeing a wider range of options for our meetups, as well as the ability to meet up in itself, it's not to say we should throw away the park dates that have served us so well. After all, they were there when the pubs were not.

Lockdown life can and most probably will change some aspects of our day-to-day lives and when we have had over a year of challenge and change, there is no reason to leave it all behind. You can re-watch Tiger King and you can bake again because the things that we have enjoyed during these times did not come with an expiration date (though the sweet treats of last March may be past their best).

There does not have to be exclusivity to the things which have gotten us through this past year, they can be enjoyed post-lockdown just as much as they were before, and so maybe there is no need to say goodbye to them just yet.

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