In a rapidly evolving and interconnected global market driven by technological advancements, the entrepreneurial spirit has emerged as a powerful force shaping the economic landscape. The modern era is defined by a unique set of challenges and opportunities for those brave enough to take on the path of entrepreneurship.

Erica Chierchio

Erica Chierchio

Nonetheless, the days when the entrepreneurial journey followed a predictable line are gone, and so the visionaries of the globalized society are forced to thrive in an uncertain environment and challenge conventions in order to make an impact. 

This is even more true for those hopeful entrepreneurs who have to navigate the complexities of the business world to succeed while dealing with their own personal battles. One such example is the inspiring tale of Erica Chierchio, a self-made international businesswoman who has had to fight tooth and nail for her place in the business spotlight despite the numerous curveballs life has thrown her. 

“I was dealt with a bad hand from the time I was a child,” Chierchio says. “My family struggled with finances ever since I can remember. My father passed away when I was four, so the burden of keeping a roof over our head and putting food on the table fell solely on my mother’s shoulders.” 

Watching her mother’s tireless efforts to provide for the family taught Erica the importance of resilience and perseverance, two key factors that she would leverage later in life in her fight to make her dreams come true. 

“There was a time when I thought ambitions were reserved for the privileged,” Erica recalls. “As a teenager with autism and Tourette’s, working multiple jobs to help pay for the bills, I was convinced that a person from a background like mine would never be able to achieve something extraordinary.” 

Erica’s concerns were not too far-fetched. The road to success is ridden with numerous setbacks, from access to start-up capital to a lack of opportunity for education and building a business network, and these hardships can be even more challenging for individuals with certain conditions. 

However, as Chierchio herself emphasizes, success is less about the severity of the obstacles and more about how well someone can leverage their circumstances and turn a bad situation into a lucrative opportunity. 

“Giving up is the easiest thing to do, but it’s not right. Just look at me. I started from nothing, and not just once,” Chierchio shares. “My very first business began from my backyard, where I picked fruits from the trees and made homemade jam for sale. It was instantly successful, but winter came, and I returned to square one. I needed a way to provide for my family, so I started dumpster diving. I quickly realized this was a chance for me to start another business, and so I re-organized and went into resale.”

Chierchio emphasizes that being quick on one’s feet and not giving up on hope are crucial to turning any vision into reality. A person who remains flexible and who is able to stay focused on their goals can minimize risks and set themselves up on a sure path to success.

“One of the lessons I learned from my mother, which is advice I have for any hopeful business owner, is to be resourceful and make the best use of any idea or opportunity that comes their way,” Chierchio says. “Also, what sets my approach apart from others is my genuine love for my work. Resale is more than just business. It’s my way of connecting with the world, of building and supporting an entire community of people who share my passion.” 

From jam production and dumpster diving to launching a profitable resale business and widely successful applications, Chierchio’s entrepreneurial journey was as unpredictable as it was adventurous. While there were times when she felt the challenges before her would be impassable, her sheer strength of will and passion toward building something greater for both herself and her family prove that greatness is a path that anyone can take for as long as they persevere in their endeavor.

“I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had, the lessons I've learned, and the community that supports me,” Chierchio says. “I’m looking forward to what the future holds and the new adventures waiting for me.”

And for anyone out there who’s just about to take their first steps in the business world, Erica Chierchio wants to remind them that we’re all different. As she puts it, “We’re like a jar of rainbow sprinkles, so what worked for me doesn’t necessarily have to work for everyone else, but if my story can motivate someone to start building their future, then that would make me the happiest person in the world.”