Lia Zorzou, PhD, is a leadership and emotional intelligence consultant, and is the founder of the ‘Leadership Programme’, the first experiential emotional intelligence online leadership programme in the world. She helps entrepreneurs to find their true selves and set the goals they need to follow their dreams, as well as identifying the steps needed to make them a reality.

Lia Zorzou

Lia Zorzou

For the last two years I have been working with professionals with 20 years of experience with numerous degrees and awards who are incredibly good at their jobs.

What made them start to work with me was the fact that when I gave them permission to dream their lives they were able to create an image that had nothing to do with the life they were currently living. Immediately, from feeling stressed, worried, anxious, unhappy, within an hour they were feeling happy, unstoppable, free.

What is the main reason behind the fact that we don’t dare to even dream the lives we want?

Since the moment we are born people around us tell us what we should do, want, how to behave so we can be accepted. Everything others tell us to do is to fit in and ultimately be loved by teachers, parents, friends. So, we obey. Because we want to be accepted, loved, and we believe that this is the only way that can happen. In order to survive, we behave.

What are the signs though that can show you that you have more to explore within you?

1. You act from fear: you are so scared of failing that you don’t take any risks

2. You don’t feel like you are accepted as you are from friends/colleagues and family: this is because you are personally rejecting part of yourself.

3. You see negatives all around you: in people and at work, nothing satisfies you any more.

If you can detect yourself in the above, you probably haven’t been true to you; you haven’t asked yourself what you really want.

When someone comes into my community we have a Dream Setting Call. Within an hour I ask them specific questions and give them permission to dream the life they want.

You can not imagine how hard this is for them: they find excuses not to do it, they say I don’t care about money or status, or I can never do this because I don’t have this or the other. I help them and I encourage them to do so, to imagine a life where everything is possible. Incredible things happen within that hour.

When you allow someone to dream without any restrictions they become those young children with dreams and aspirations before the big NOs and the big YOU CAN NOT DO THIS! And when I say forget the how and focus on what, a river of an incredible imagined life appears in front of them.

From feeling sad and stressed we end the call feeling happy and unstoppable to chase their dreams.

So, if you want to find your purpose and live it, ask for help.

Find someone that can truly and deeply help you. You can not do it on your own.

First, you need to imagine with no restrictions what you really want. I would advise you to spend time with you alone and ask yourself only what you really want, what would make you the happiest person in the world.

Then you need to assess the current situation and be true to whatever the situation is now. We have a tendency to run away from feelings like pain and sadness and it is easy not to SEE things; someone who has done it and has experience can help you navigate those waters with confidence and understanding. You need to do this, this will be your starting point.

And the third is ACT. Make decisions and act. Take one step every single day. And never stop. People don’t fulfil their dreams because they stop, they freeze when failures come one after the other.

I love failures; when things don’t work out, I am getting more passionate. I am getting fierce. Why? Because I have my big WHY. I don’t want anybody to lose their lives trying to fulfil other people’s expectations. I want you to live a flamboyant life!

Are you ready for it?

Make a decision today to make it happen.

You owe it to your own amazing self.

You are brilliant exactly as you are.

You are enough, sitting on your sofa drinking a cup of tea.

You can do whatever you want.

The first step is to answer truly.

What do you want?