This week sees a lot of new things happening for a lot of people, but there will no doubt be a few delays and complications along the way. Nothing is ever straight-forward, but as long as you have patience and confidence there's no reason why you can't succeed.

MORE: Read last week's Tarot reading

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Two of Pentacles

Life is all about balance for you right now, Aries, as you find ways to split your time among work, family, social and health responsibilities. This balance is important for all areas of your life to succeed, because ultimately investing your efforts into one thing won't achieve the results you were expecting.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Justice (Reversed)

It's normal to be frustrated when life isn't going your way, but it's always important to do the right thing. Take accountability for your actions and admit your mistakes, because blaming others won't make the consequences go away.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Having patience when everything seems to be threatening to go wrong is difficult, but it will help you gain perspective and reduce anxiety. Staying calm in the face of adversity and carefully weighing up your options will help you overcome whatever life throws at you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Page of Pentacles

You're feeling enthusiastic about a new venture, even though you don't feel especially prepared for it. You're willing to put in the hard work though and build on your skills, and you're showing a surprising amount of maturity and pragmatism given your situation.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Ace of Cups (Reversed)

If you find yourself bottling up your feelings a lot, now's the time to offload them. Allow yourself to feel emotions and don't try and suppress them because that's only going to make life more difficult. Take a moment of introspection and focus on how to fix things that might not be going so well for you.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Queen of Swords

You're impressing everyone with your intellect this week and people will feel drawn to you and the way you deliver ideas. You're on top form when it comes to problem solving, and your honesty is allowing you to get to the bottom of any situation with ease.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Two of Cups

Expect to feel a serious connection with another person this week, either new or somebody who you're already close with. Something has brought you together and making you both feel emotionally fulfilled. It's not necessarily a romance, but it's certainly an important relationship to you right now.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Ten of Pentacles (Reversed)

Something has threatened the stability of your home life, be it a loss - material or otherwise - or conflict with another family member, just as you were feeling that things were on the up. It's time to re-evaluate your material needs and work out what you need to do to get things back to normal.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Five of Cups

Have you ever heard the expression "don't cry over spilt milk"? That's a phrase that you need to ponder this week, because while you feel upset and disappointed by certain problems that have arisen, it's preventing you from feeling glad about the positive things you still have. Have perspective and be sure not to play the victim.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The Devil

Temptation is almost too hard to resist this week, Capricorn, as you find yourself over-indulging to the point where it's hardly healthy anymore. Remember that you are the one in control of your actions and you have the power to make good choices.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Three of Pentacles

You're finally starting out on a new venture of the physical kind; either a new job, a move, a health kick or a DIY project. You're already seeing results which is great, but remember to accept help when you need it.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Six of Pentacles (Reversed)

You've found yourself getting to a point of over-generosity, and people are starting to take advantage of your kindness. Don't sacrifice your own needs for someone else - you are the most important, and you can hardly take care of others if you are neglecting yourself.


Holly Mosley is a Wiccan witch who has been practising consistently for three years, enjoys monthly meet-ups in the Pagan community and spends her time studying Tarot which she first discovered at the age of 10. She publishes weekly Tarot readings on Female First, alongside her informative Witching Hour series about all things esoteric, and recently set up her own Tarot reading service under the moniker Mistress Wyrd.

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