Alex James

Alex James

After the success of the recent Royal Wedding street parties, MasterCard is urging people to revive their community spirit and sign up for this year’s Big Lunch on Sunday 5th June.

The Big Lunch is a very simple idea, with the aim to get as many people as possible across the whole of the UK to have lunch with their neighbours in a simple act of community, friendship and fun.

It can be anything from a few neighbours getting together in the garden or on the street, to a full blown party with food, music and decoration that quite literally stops the traffic.

Since starting in 2009, thousands of Big Lunches have taken place in all kinds of communities across the UK and the best part of a million people get involved each year.

To get the nation ready for this year’s event, hundreds of hungry Londoners took part in breaking the record for the world’s longest picnic table.

Situated in Potters Field Park by Tower Bridge, a 90 metre table - the equivalent of 30 ordinary tables - was laden with free food and drink.

Following the lunch, the picnic table will be divided into sections and smaller tables donated to some of the Big Lunch’s most supportive boroughs.

Former Blur star and passionate foodie Alex James hosted the MasterCard sponsored lunch and world record breaking attempt, joined by London Mayor Boris Johnson, while also encouraging those beyond the capital to set up their own Big Lunch on Sunday 5th June.

In the following video, Alex talks about how you can be involved with tips on how to prepare simple but stunning food for a last minute street party, guaranteed to impress the neighbours on the day.

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