Serves 6
Preparation time less than 30 mins
Cooking time 10 to 30 mins

450g/1lb Cox's apples
25g/1oz caster sugar
½ lemon, juice only
4 tbsp water
½ cinnamon stick or pinch of ground cinnamon (optional)
knob of unsalted butter (optional)

1. Peel, core and cut the apples into rough small dice. Place in a thick-based saucepan with all the remaining ingredients. Cook, covered, on a medium to low heat with a lid on top for approximately 15 minutes. During the cooking time, stir to ensure even cooking.

2. Once cooked and tender, with some of the apple starting to purée, remove from the heat, discarding the cinnamon stick, if using. The apples can now be whisked to a sauce consistency. The more whisked, the smoother the finish. I do like to leave some texture in the apples, as this keeps more of the natural apple taste. It's also possible to blitz the sauce in a food processor or liquidiser for the ultimate smooth finishs.

Apple sauce is best served warm for maximum taste. Note: once the apple sauce is cooked, a good knob of butter can be added while whisking. This will enrich the finished flavour, also giving a silky consistency.